Wednesday 3 March 2010

Chicken, Leek & Pistachio Terrine, grape chutney, pistachio oil

Heres my new terrine for our menu at work this week, a chicken, leek & pistachio one, don't really have a recipie as just went with it, but I shall jot down the jist of it!

Main base is a chicken parfait, I cooked the breasts in the oven over leeks submerged in white wine, then blitzed them down with cream, white wine, butter (amalgamated with a few egg yolks), there own stock, seasoning and a few chives for colour. You want a good thick paste, with about 60% Chicken 20% Butter 10% double cream 10% Wine & stock mix as a rough guide, but I did it to taste more than measurements.

For the internal pistachios I blanced them, then coated them in salt and sugar and roasted them till they crisped, but still had a soft inside. About 15 minutes on 160

The Leeks were stripped, washed, then sauteed in butter and seasoning and left to soften for about 15 minutes on a low heat

Chicken strips were chargrilled and then roasted, cooled and sliced into thin strips.

Then I slowly filled the terrine mould with the parfait at bottom then stripped leeks lengthways and the chicken and a small handful of pistachios, then another layer of parfait, and so on until full. then chilled overnight.

The outer crust is roasted pistachios ground down and rubbed into the chilled terrine then re moulded and clinged tightly to help set. Hoping to use some better pistachio kernels to get a greener colour next week when there remade.

For plating, I used home-made grape chutney (which Ill add the recipie at a later date), a pistachio oil dressing (blitz pistachios down in a bit of herb oil and sieve) and dressed the plate with pea shoots and micro red amaranth.

Enjoy :)

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